When it comes to getting the maximum amount of money from your home in the shortest amount of time, creating appeal is extremely important, and a lot of that can begin with the paint job.
They say first impressions are important, and it’s true of your home also. How is your curb appeal? When prospective buyers drive up are they appreciating your landscaping or considering how much a good paint job will cost next summer? How outdated are your colors? Regardless of how much you like your salmon-and-orange house, is it something that will turn the heads of shoppers or turn their stomachs? These are questions best addressed prior to listing your home – just like first impressions matter to buyers, they matter to realtors, too. Also, consider what financing options you want to accept when considering whether or not to paint. If your home was built prior to 1978, the FHA requires all pealing, chipped, etc. paint be repaired prior to appraisal; and the appraiser must determine if you home violates any covenants or codes as well.
While we’re on the subject of your exterior, how are your fence and deck holding up? Are they looking old and tired or warm and inviting? Perhaps a quick pressure wash and staining are in order. If you’re not sure how your curb appeal might affect the salability of your home, contact your realtor, or call the HappyPainters. We’ll give you an honest assessment of your home’s condition and your options.